
Selection of 复合碳水化合物 sources on wood background

碳水化合物 provide essential nutrients 和 are one of the main sources of calories for our bodies. They can all be part of a healthy eating plan.


There are two types of carbohydrates: simple 和 complex.

简单碳水化合物 are digested quickly 和 send immediate bursts of glucose (energy) into the bloodstream.

There are two types of simple carbohydrates: added or naturally occurring. 

添加糖 provide calories, but lack vitamins, minerals 和 fiber 和 can lead to weight gain. Naturally occurring sugars are in nutritious foods including fruit 和 milk. 不像添加糖, naturally occurring sugars also contain vitamins, minerals 和 fiber — healthy nutrients our bodies need.

复合碳水化合物 are digested more slowly 和 supply a slower release of glucose into the bloodstream.  As with simple sugars, some complex carbohydrate foods are healthier choices than others.

精制谷物, 比如白面粉和白米, 已被处理, which removes many beneficial nutrients 和 dietary fiber. Many foods containing refined grains lack B vitamins 和 other important nutrients unless they’re enriched.

相比之下, 未精制的全谷物, such as brown rice 和 whole-wheat pasta, retain many of these vital nutrients 和 are rich in fiber, 支持消化系统健康. Eating fiber helps you feel full, so you are less likely to overeat these foods. 


The type of carbohydrates you eat can impact your health. Foods that contain high amounts of simple carbs (added sugars), 尤其是果糖, 提高甘油三酯水平, which may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Your body breaks down carbs into simple sugars that are absorbed into the bloodstream. As blood sugar level rises, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin functions to move sugar from the blood into cells, where sugar is used for energy. 简单的糖, such as sugar-sweetened beverages 和 desserts full of added sugars, 消化吸收快吗.

与此形成鲜明对比的是, 复合碳水化合物, such as an apple or a slice of whole-grain bread, 需要更长沙巴足球体育平台来消化和吸收, 让你更长沙巴足球体育平台有饱腹感. These types of 复合碳水化合物 give you energy over a longer period of time.

简单碳水化合物 are found in foods including:

  • 糖果
  • 蜂蜜
  • 糖蜜
  • 苏打水(常规)
  • 糖浆
  • 糖(白色、棕色)
  • 精制早餐麦片

复合碳水化合物 can be found in foods including:

  • 豆类
  • 水果
  • Starchy vegetables, such as sweet potatoes
  • Whole-grain products, such as bread, rice 和 pasta 

The 美国心脏协会 recommends:

  1. 限制精制糖. Foods with simple carbohydrates have empty calories 和 very little nutrition.
  2. 选择复合碳水化合物. These foods, such as fruit 和 vegetables, are loaded with healthy nutrients. Include legumes, beans, lentils 和 dried peas, too.
  3. 包括全谷物. Enjoy brown rice 和 whole-grain pasta, breads 和 cereals. 





