Heart Valve 手术恢复和随访


What to expect after heart valve surgery

The normal recovery time is usually four to eight weeks and may be shorter after minimally invasive surgeries.


People are usually practicing very basic self-care and are encouraged to get up, 深呼吸,然后继续吃东西, drinking and walking as soon as possible after surgery.


在这个阶段, people can expect to gradually regain energy and return to their normal activity level.


下载我们的 恢复里程碑清单(PDF) and chart your progress toward wellness. 这份清单也可以在 西班牙语(PDF).

Make your winning post-surgery recovery plan

Patients preparing for a major surgery – such as heart valve surgery – are often focused on their most important objective: life. The good news is that heart valve survival rates are incredibly high. If your health care professional has recommended you have heart valve surgery, you can and should begin planning now for recovery and wellness after your surgery. 下载我们的有用清单(PDF)(链接在新窗口中打开) now and keep it handy during your preparation.

"When I left the hospital, I had to ask my husband to tie my shoes. I didn’t realize before my surgery that I wouldn’t be allowed to bend over for a while during my recovery. I had a lot of questions, but I didn’t know who to ask or where to find answers." ——利兹,心脏瓣膜病人

Here are some common recovery considerations, but of course you should always follow your individual health care professional’s instructions, which will be tailored to your needs and precautions.


  • 宽松的裤子或短裤. 为什么?
    • 它们更容易穿上和脱下.
    • Loose, stretchy pants can accommodate a catheter if needed during recovery.
    • 手术后肿胀是很常见的.
    • Hospital gowns don't offer modesty protection and hall-walking is encouraged during recovery.
  • 舒适的便鞋或拖鞋.

  • Women may want to consider a special bra.
    • Post-surgery bras can be helpful, especially for women who usually need substantial support. Keep in mind that raising your arms overhead may not be permitted or comfortable. Consider investing in a special bra with front or shoulder Velcro tabs or hooks.
  • Something loose and comfortable to wear when it’s time to go home.

What do I need to consider for my recovery at home?

  • 使用我们的 检查表 帮助你思考:
    • 管理家务
    • 管理自我保健
    • Managing family, work and even pet care routines

"One difficulty I didn’t expect was that I could not do laundry. I could drop a few pieces of lightweight clothing in the washer but lifting the wet laundry to put it in the dryer was a huge no-no. The other challenge was loading and emptying the dishwasher. 再一次。, 对我来说, the bending over was off limits for one, but also the weight of some of the dishes was too much 对我来说 to lift right at first.——莉兹


  • 康复对每个人来说都是独一无二的. It will depend on the type of procedure, your overall health prior to surgery and any potential complications.

Here’s what one patient had to say about managing her expectations.

"When you are told you’ll be recovering for four to six weeks, and then you follow up with 12 more weeks of cardiac rehab, and then you realize that you still feel like you're not recovered, it's not actually because you are not recovered. It is because after a major heart surgery you have a new normal. You just feel differently and you're sporting the scar that shows you have been through a battle. 我把它叫做我的勇气伤疤. I can do most of the things I used to do, and making that connection to other survivors [helped me continue to] get stronger and to remain hopeful." ——伊娃,心脏瓣膜病人

Video: Factors Affecting Recovery from Heart Valve Surgery

Your Heart Surgery: Realization and Repair


Find out more about your heart valves and how to manage heart valve disease.