


健康的饮食对人们来说至关重要 心脏病. 事实上,它可以帮助逆转病情或减少对药物的需求. 但即使是健康食品, 包括水果和蔬菜, 是否会与某些药物产生意想不到的危险相互作用.

也许最著名的例子是葡萄柚,它可以改变某种方式 胆固醇药物 工作.

其他的例子包括一些绿叶蔬菜,如菠菜或羽衣甘蓝. Their high vitamin K levels pose risks for patients being treated with blood thinners to prevent blood clots. 大量食用这些蔬菜会抵消药物的效果.


These potential dangers don’t mean patients get a free pass when it comes to eating their veggies.

It comes down to maintaining a careful balance when using certain anticoagulants such as warfarin (marketed under the brand name Coumadin.)

Be sure to talk with your health care professional about all food interactions to determine if you should restrict a food or not.


维生素补充剂会破坏精心平衡的药物剂量. 一些抗生素和普通止痛药也可能导致血液变稠.

另一方面, some over-the-counter medications used to treat cold and allergy symptoms can cause the blood thinners to have stronger effects.


以他汀类胆固醇药物为例, 包括以立普妥等品牌销售的药物, Mevacor和Zocor, 葡萄柚是一种危险的混合物. People who want to continue eating these fruits may be treated with medications other than statins.

酒精也会对药物产生影响. Alcohol can cause symptoms such as headaches, nausea, drowsiness and loss of coordination. Mixing alcohol with certain medications can also put you at risk of internal bleeding and cause issues with your liver, 心脏和肺. 甚至像盐这样简单的东西, which is widespread in the food supply can take a toll because it increases the amount of fluid retained in the body, 这可能导致药物剂量不足.


The key for people with cardiovascular disease is to be aware of the risks and maintain regular communication with health care team.

让你的健康护理专家知道你正在使用的任何饮食配方, 包括任何药物或补充剂. 拿处方或非处方药时, 咨询药剂师,确保没有任何不良反应. Maintaining a healthy eating pattern and eating the right amounts for your activity level is also important. 



有些食物和饮料不能与某些药物混合. 它们会导致药物的吸收延迟、减少或增强.

MAO抑制剂和血压: If you are taking MAO inhibitors such as Nardil (phenelzine) or Parnate (tranylcypromine) for depression, 你应该避免吃陈年食品(包括陈年奶酪)。. Some health care professionals may want you to lower your caffeine and chocolate intake as well.

葡萄柚: 葡萄柚和葡萄柚汁会对一些处方药产生干扰, 甚至还有一些非处方药. Don’t drink grapefruit juice with certain blood pressure-lowering medications because it can cause higher levels of those medicines in your body, 更有可能产生副作用.

甘草: 它可能看起来像是无害的零食, but if you’re taking Lanoxin (digoxin) for congestive heart failure and abnormal heart rhythms, 某些形式的甘草可能会增加你中毒的风险. Licorice may also reduce the effects of blood pressure drugs or diuretics (water pills).

酒精: If you’re taking any sort of medication, avoid alcohol, which can increase or decrease its effect.


大约四分之三的美国人.S. 成年人使用膳食补充剂. 对于健康人来说, 建议你需要的所有营养都应该来自你吃的食物. 以下是一些需要注意的潜在互动:

St. 约翰草(贯叶连翘): St. 约翰草可能会削弱许多药物的作用,包括一些心脏药物, 艾滋病药物, 华法林和他汀类药物. It is important to discuss taking this herb with your health care professional to determine if it is safe for you.

维生素E: Taking Vitamin E with a blood-thinning medication such as warfarin (Coumadin) can increase anti-clotting activity and could increase your risk of bleeding.

人参: 目前还不清楚人参是否会与某些药物相互作用, 比如钙通道阻滞剂和其他高血压药物, 还有他汀类药物和一些抗抑郁药. Studies on the effect of Asian ginseng on the blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin) have had mixed results. If you’re taking medication, consult your health care professional before using Asian ginseng.


当两种或两种以上的药物相互作用时,就会发生药物-药物相互作用, 引起意想不到的副作用. 例如, mixing a drug you take to help you sleep (a sedative) and a drug you take for allergies (an antihistamine) may slow your reactions and make driving a car or operating machinery dangerous. 

支气管扩张药: 这些药能暂时缓解呼吸短促, 由于支气管哮喘引起的胸闷和喘息. Ask your health care professional before usine bronchodilators if you have 心脏病, 高血压, 甲状腺疾病或糖尿病.

Cordarone(胺碘酮): People taking Zocor (simvastatin) in doses higher than 20 mg while also taking Cordarone run the risk of developing a rare condition of muscle injury called rhabdomyolysis, 哪一种会导致肾衰竭或死亡. Cordarone also can inhibit or reduce the effect of the blood thinner Coumadin (warfarin), 所以如果你在用Cordarone, 你的医疗保健专家可能需要减少香豆素的用量.

鼻减充血剂: 这些药能缓解因感冒而引起的鼻塞, 花粉热或其他上呼吸道过敏. 如果你有 心脏病, 高血压、甲状腺疾病或 糖尿病,在服用减充血剂前咨询你的医疗保健专业人员. Decongestants may raise blood pressure or interfere with the effectiveness of medicines.

尼古丁替代产品: 这些药物可以帮助你戒除这个致命的习惯, but ask your health care professional or pharmacist before using them if you are taking a prescription drug for depression or asthma, 或者使用不含尼古丁的处方药来戒烟. 如果你继续吸烟,不要使用这些产品, 咀嚼烟草或使用鼻烟或其他含尼古丁的产品.


There are lots of things you can do to take prescription or over-the-counter medications safely.

  • Always read the labels carefully and learn about the warnings for all the drugs you take.
  • 将药物保存在原来的容器中,这样你就可以很容易地识别它们.
  • Ask your health care professional what you need to avoid when you are prescribed a new medication. 询问食品、饮料、膳食补充剂和其他药物.
  • Check with your health care professional or pharmacist before taking an over-the-counter (OTC) drug if you are taking any prescription medications.
  • 使用一个药房来满足你所有的药物需求.
  • 让你所有的医疗保健专业人员了解你服用的所有药物.
  • 保留所有处方药的记录, 服用的非处方药和膳食补充剂(包括草药). Try to keep this list with you at all times, but especially when you go to any medical appointment.


  • 我可以和其他药一起服用吗?
  • 我应该避免某些食物、饮料或其他产品吗?
  • 我应该知道哪些可能的药物相互作用迹象?
  • 药物在我体内如何起作用?
  • 有关于药物或我的病情的更多信息吗?

* Some medications are commonly called blood thinners because they can help reduce a blood clot from forming. There are two main types of blood thinners that patients commonly take: anticoagulants such as warfarin, 达比加群(Eliquis)和利伐沙班(Xarelto), 抗血小板药物如阿司匹林或氯吡格雷. Each type of medication has a specific function to prevent a blood clot from forming or causing a blocked blood vessel, 心脏病发作或中风. 
The 美国心脏协会 receives support from pharmaceutical and biotech companies, device manufacturers and health insurance providers whose products may be mentioned in this article. The 美国心脏协会 maintains strict policies preventing supporters from influencing science-based health information. 查看支持者列表.