准备好度假了吗?? Eat well and enjoy your travels with these healthy tips

By Michael Merschel, 美国心脏协会 沙巴足球体育平台

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你已经准备好了泳衣、太阳镜和一本适合沙滩或吊床的小说. But does your vacation checklist also have a plan for healthy eating?

Sure, escaping your routine might be the whole point of hitting the road. But eating well not only boosts your health, it also can energize your adventures as well, 营养学家说. 以下是他们的一些想法.


尤其是对飞行人员, finding healthy food in transit can be a challenge, 凯蒂·克里格说, a registered dietitian in Dallas who's also a travel agent. 机场最实惠的选择往往是薯片或糖果——碳水化合物含量高,纤维和蛋白质含量低.

Our bodies break down such foods quickly, 她说, 也就是说,吃完后不久, 旅行者说, “讨厌它, 我又饿了."

Her solution is to pack snacks that will get past 机场安检 checkpoints and keep her feeling full. Her list of favored fiber-rich foods includes whole-grain crackers; hard veggies such as celery or carrots; fruit such as apples or oranges; and unsalted popcorn. She also likes unsweetened dried fruits such as dates or raisins, 理想的搭配是蛋白质和脂肪来源,增加饱腹感和能量水平,防止血糖飙升和下降.

对于健康的脂肪和蛋白质,她可能会吃种子、坚果或烤鹰嘴豆. 长途飞行, 她可能会打包一个煮鸡蛋, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a quinoa salad with cucumber, 菲达奶酪和番茄.

挤压包装的坚果酱在她的清单上,但只能装在小于3个的容器里.4盎司因为运输安全管理局认为它是液体. (Solid food items are not subject to that limit.)

克里格曾经有一份工作,每周要坐好几次飞机. 她了解到,在途中注意自己吃了什么,意味着不用一落地就急着去餐馆吃饭, she had the energy she needed to calmly head for her destination.

没有计划? 试试这个

像克里格, 玛丽莎·摩尔, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Atlanta, 相信计划零食. (她喜欢开心果、南瓜子、杏仁,偶尔也会吃花生酱和香蕉三明治.)但如果你没有带任何东西,发现自己被困在一个典型的终点站或高速公路上的便利店, 不要绝望. 你还有选择.

"They might not be right there at the front, but sometimes if you go and look in the back, 你可能会找到一个多余的香蕉,或者是一包新鲜葡萄的零食, 摩尔说. "Most places will have peanuts, at a minimum."

什锦干果也可以, 特蕾莎·金泰尔说, a registered dietitian nutritionist in Brooklyn, 纽约, and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Look for one that has a little less chocolate in it.


Staying hydrated is important when traveling, so "the first thing is to prioritize getting your water in,摩尔说. And as with snacks, "you have to plan for that."

拿一个可续水的水瓶. "Most large airports have water stations once you get past security, 所以你可以把它们填满,摩尔说. 克里格的背包里有一个可折叠的瓶子,在观光时也会派上用场.

Moore also suggested taking along hydrating fruits. 她偏爱葡萄和橘子.

Looking for health in all the right places

Eating well should be one of your travel goals, 摩尔说, 所以当你可以, 选择酒店和睡觉的地方,你知道你会有健康的物品. More places than ever cater to healthy travelers, 她说, 所以,你可以去场地和餐馆看看有什么食物可以吃.


Make that mini-fridge your friend, Gentile suggested. 多亏了互联网, "you can get delivery of food items to your hotel now, so you could pack your fridge with fresh fruits and vegetables."

这是她和她的家人三年前去迪斯尼世界旅行时所做的事情. The bags were delivered to the front desk, 还有她和她的孩子们, 然后是6岁和9岁, 喜欢柑橘, 鹰嘴豆泥, 西兰花和酸奶.

Which doesn't mean that at the amusement park, they avoided the ice cream. 但这种水果可以帮助孩子们在漫长炎热的一天里保持水分,而不必购买含糖饮料.

2021年,特蕾莎·金泰尔全家去迪士尼乐园游玩时,她在酒店房间里摆满了新鲜水果. (图片由Theresa Gentile提供)
2021年,特蕾莎·金泰尔全家去迪士尼乐园游玩时,她在酒店房间里摆满了新鲜水果. (图片由Theresa Gentile提供)


水果, vegetables and other fiber-rich foods are, 当然, part of a diet that's good for the heart over the long term. 但它们也可以解决许多度假者抱怨的一个更直接的问题.

摩尔说:“很多人在旅行时确实会便秘. 液体和纤维有助于缓解疼痛.


Food should be part of the fun, Krieg said. 作为一名吃货,她发现逛露天市场或超市是“一种很酷的文化体验”."

Adventurous eaters can find delicious and healthy options. 在哥斯达黎加, 例如, 摩尔发现了加洛·平托, 黑豆做的菜, 萨尔萨舞, 甜椒米饭. "这是一道非常美味可爱的菜"碰巧富含纤维和蛋白质.

Some locales are more challenging than others, Krieg said. Earlier this year, she and her husband visited Switzerland. "There's so much cheese and fondue and bread, and stuff like that. 这真是太棒了. 我乐在其中."

But the couple made sure to order a salad or vegetables with those meals. They also enjoyed lots of local produce – not just the cheese.


克里格是点开胃菜或把菜分成小份的信徒. Not only does that leave room for a salad or vegetable side, it gives you the chance to sample more foods.

Managing portions also can enhance your travels in other ways, 她说. “我不知道你怎么想, 但如果我一路去意大利, 我不想进入食物昏迷状态,这将使我中午想回到我的房间小睡,而不是去参观罗马斗兽场. I want to be able to keep going and have the energy to do so."


克里格说,如果你选择喝酒,补水就变得格外重要. 所以要确保你喝的是水——”而不仅仅是饮料最后融化的冰所产生的水."

Moore pointed out that although alcohol might make you feel more relaxed, 它会影响睡眠. So if you drink, leave extra time for rest.


你在法国发现的那些新鲜出炉的糕点可能含有比理想的更多的脂肪或糖,这是真的, 外邦人说. “你不可能去巴黎而没有法棍面包和羊角面包。."

不要因为假期吃了什么而陷入互相指责的怪圈, 她和其他营养学家说.

"People feel an immense pressure to eat perfectly,摩尔说. “这是不现实的." So if a favorite vacation haunt doesn't offer ideal options, 或者如果你发现自己在一个餐点选择有限的卡车站, 你要尽你所能做到最好,她说. “然后下一餐,你可能会多吃一点水果和蔬菜."

Krieg emphasizes balance and moderation. “我认为这不仅是与食物建立健康关系的关键,也是沙巴足球体育平台的关键."

So as you explore the world, "have fun. Order these cool adventurous foods that you don't typically get to try. 包括一些水果和蔬菜. And then when you come back from a trip, continue to do the same thing."

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