
美国心脏协会沙巴足球体育平台,Lindsey Giardino报道

Dax Serbin(左)和他的弟弟Xander. Dax – now 5 – was born with a combination of heart defects known as tetralogy of Fallot. (图片来源:Gretchen Whitehurst)
Dax Serbin(左)和他的弟弟Xander. Dax – now 5 – was born with a combination of heart defects known as tetralogy of Fallot. (图片来源:Gretchen Whitehurst)

安布尔·诺格尔的第一次怀孕以流产告终. After that, it was a struggle for her and Dustin Serbin to conceive again.

So when they found out Amber was pregnant again after years of trying, they were elated. They did early testing to find out the gender and started a list of potential names.

走进她们20周的超声波检查, Amber and Dustin were excited to see their baby boy for the first time. 约会进行到一半时, the sonographer asked Amber to walk around the office a bit to reposition the baby. 当她回到房间时, a more senior sonographer arrived to take a closer look at the ultrasound.

安布尔感到气氛变了. 她的期待变成了焦虑.


A perinatologist, an OB-GYN who specializes in high-risk pregnancies, was called into the room. 医生坐在安布尔和达斯汀身边,告诉他们这个消息. 他们的儿子一出生就患有法洛四联症, a congenital heart defect that's actually four different issues at once.

在超声检查后的最初几天里, 他们为“正常怀孕的失败”感到悲伤," Amber said. They understood their son's diagnosis would bring challenges and braced for what those might be.

The night after Dax Serbin was born in Madison, Wisconsin, he stopped breathing. 警报响了,医生们冲进了房间. 他们很快给他接上了呼吸机.

几天后,达克斯的心脏周围感染了. 然后他开始癫痫发作. And a stroke.

Beyond the obvious dangers of each episode, the series of setbacks caused another complication. They delayed Dax from undergoing an operation to correct his heart problems.


It worked. 医生修复了所有四个心脏问题.

达克斯在医院里休养了一个月. He continued seeing a cardiologist for his heart and a neurologist to make sure his brain was developing properly post-stroke.

Now 5, Dax has met every milestone – from sitting up to walking and talking. 他正在成长和发展,就像他应该的那样. 从他戏剧性的出生开始,他就一直过着正常的生活.

在我上幼儿园的时候, he's able to play sports (his favorites are baseball and soccer) and run around the school playground with no restrictions.

他也了解自己的一些故事. 他知道他胸前的伤疤是被医生切开的, 他很高兴地告诉人们这件事. "He's going to be a remarkable kid with quite the story to share," Amber said.

“达克斯是一台发电机,”他的心脏科医生说. Carter Ralphe. "His history of congenital heart disease certainly is not holding him back in any way."

达克斯在医院的时候, Amber and Dustin were taught infant CPR and received an Infant CPR Anytime training kit to take home.

Three years ago, Amber, a TV anchor, and Dustin wanted to do something to give back. 他们发起了一项筹款活动,以购买随时心肺复苏工具包, 在美国心脏协会的帮助下. They wound up purchasing 211 that were donated to families at the hospital where Dax received his care, as well as neonatal intensive care units at other Madison-area hospitals.

当他们准备要再添一个孩子的时候, Amber and Dustin did genetic testing to ensure there was no genetic link to Dax's heart condition. When the test came back negative, they felt more at ease and became pregnant quickly after.

在怀孕的大部分沙巴足球体育平台, 安布尔感到焦虑, 尽管所有的测试和检查都进行得很顺利. They even did a fetal echocardiogram to make sure their baby's heart was OK. But until she could see him face-to-face and know he was healthy, Amber was scared.


And for Dax, his little brother is just one more person he can share his heart story with.

达克斯·瑟宾和他的家人. 左起:达克斯、爸爸达斯汀、妈妈安珀·诺格尔和弟弟赞德. (图片来源:Gretchen Whitehurst)
达克斯·瑟宾和他的家人. 左起:达克斯、爸爸达斯汀、妈妈安珀·诺格尔和弟弟赞德. (图片来源:Gretchen Whitehurst)

发自内心的故事 chronicles the inspiring journeys of heart disease and stroke survivors, caregivers and advocates.


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