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想尝试一种新的饮食,但不确定该怎么做? An evidence-based analysis of 10 popular eating patterns shows some promote heart health much better than others.

A scientific statement from the American Heart Association published Thursday in its journal Circulation found the Mediterranean, DASH-style, pescetarian and vegetarian eating patterns strongly aligned with heart-healthy eating guidelines, 而流行的古饮食和生酮饮食则与之相矛盾.

"The number of different, 近年来,流行的饮食模式激增, and the amount of misinformation about them on social media has reached critical levels,声明撰写委员会主席克里斯托弗. Gardner在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. Gardner is the Rehnborg Farquhar Professor of Medicine at Stanford University in California.

"The public – and even many health care professionals – may rightfully be confused about heart-healthy eating, and they may feel that they don't have the time or the training to evaluate the different diets," he said. "We hope this statement serves as a tool for clinicians and the public to understand which diets promote good cardiometabolic health."

The report evaluates how well each of 10 popular diets or eating patterns aligns with nine of 10 features of AHA's dietary guidance for heart-healthy eating: consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables; choosing mostly whole grains instead of refined grains; using liquid plant oils rather than tropical oils; eating healthy sources of protein, such as from plants, seafood or lean meats; minimizing added sugars and salt; limiting alcohol; choosing minimally processed foods instead of ultraprocessed foods; and following this guidance wherever food is prepared or consumed. The one feature not included in scoring was the energy balance needed to maintain a healthy weight, 因为它受饮食选择以外的因素影响, 比如身体活动水平.

The diets were rated on a scale of 1 to 100 for how well they adhered to AHA's guidance.

该声明没有审查商业饮食计划, 那些被跟踪不到12周的人, 间歇性禁食或限时饮食等做法, 或者用于控制非心血管健康状况的饮食.

The diets were divided into four tiers based on their scores, which ranged from 31 to 100. Only one – the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) eating plan – got a perfect score. 这种饮食方式是低盐的, added sugar, tropical oil, 酒精和加工食品以及大量的非淀粉类蔬菜, fruits, whole grains and legumes. 蛋白质大多来自植物, such as legumes, beans or nuts, along with fish or seafood, 瘦肉家禽和肉类,低脂或无脂乳制品.

The Mediterranean eating pattern had a slightly lower score (89) because unlike DASH, 它允许适度饮酒,不涉及添加盐的问题. The pescetarian diet (92), 除了植物性食物之外,哪一种还允许吃海鲜, 素食(86人)也位居榜首.

"If implemented as intended, the top-tier dietary patterns align best with the American Heart Association's guidance and may be adapted to respect cultural practices, 食物偏好和预算使人们总是这样吃, for the long term," Gardner said.

纯素饮食和低脂饮食(各78人)属于第二类. While they emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts, 同时限制酒精和添加糖, the vegan diet is so restrictive it could be challenging to follow long-term or when eating out and may increase the risk of vitamin B-12 deficiency, which can lead to anemia.

还有人担心,低脂饮食对所有脂肪一视同仁, 而美国心脏协会的指南要求用更健康的脂肪代替饱和脂肪. People eating low-fat diets also may overconsume less healthy sources of carbohydrates, 比如添加糖和精制谷物. 但这些担忧可以通过适当的营养咨询和教育来克服.

低脂饮食(72分)和低碳水化合物饮食(64分)属于第三层. 两者都限制了美国心脏协会饮食指南中强调的食物. For example, 低脂饮食限制坚果和健康的植物油, 低碳水化合物饮食限制了水果的摄入, grains and legumes, 哪一种会导致少吃纤维而多吃饱和脂肪.

Paleolithic (53) and very low-carb/ketogenic diets (31) fall into the fourth, or bottom, tier. Both, 哪些是用来减肥的, align poorly with heart-healthy eating guidelines and have not been shown to be any more effective for weight loss than less restrictive diets over the long term. 两者的脂肪含量都很高,但不限制饱和脂肪.

The tier 4 diets, Gardner said, 都是限制性很强的,对大多数人来说很难长期坚持下去. While there will likely be short-term benefits and substantial weight loss, it isn't sustainable. 一种能有效帮助个人维持减肥目标的饮食, 从实际的角度来看, needs to be sustainable."

Gardner cautioned that conflicting information about research into popular diets can confuse people trying to follow them.

"We often find that people don't fully understand popular eating patterns and aren't following them as intended," he said. "When that is the case, it is challenging to determine the effect of the 'diet as intended' and distinguish that from the 'diet as followed.' Two research findings that seem contradictory may merely reflect that there was high adherence in following the diet in one study and low adherence in the other."

The authors noted that more research and education are needed to show people how to follow eating patterns in ways that are culturally relevant to ensure their effectiveness. Efforts also need to be made to include historically marginalized groups in the research to reduce the impact of structural racism on diet-related diseases, and policies are needed to dismantle unjust practices that limit access to healthy foods in some communities, according to the report.


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