
By American Heart Association News

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社会孤立和孤独可能会增加患心脏病或中风或死于心脏病或中风的风险, according to a new report summarizing research on the topic.

美国心脏协会的科学声明强调,需要更多关于改善社会孤立或孤独人群心血管健康策略的数据, 以及更有力的证据表明这些经历是如何影响大脑健康的.

“四十多年的研究已经清楚地表明,社交孤立和孤独都与不良的健康结果有关," Dr. Crystal Wiley Cené said in a news release. 她是周四发表在《沙巴足球体育平台》杂志上的科学声明的写作小组主席 Journal of the American Heart Association.

"Given the prevalence of social disconnectedness across the U.S., the public health impact is quite significant," said Cené, 临床医学教授兼卫生公平首席行政官, diversity and inclusion at the University of California San Diego Health.

社会隔离被定义为面对面的社会接触相对较少, whereas loneliness occurs when people perceive themselves as isolated, causing them to feel distressed.

cen说:“虽然社交孤立和孤独感是相关的,但它们不是一回事。. "Individuals can lead a relatively isolated life and not feel lonely, and conversely, people with many social contacts may still experience loneliness."

这份新报告引用了凯撒家庭基金会2018年的一项调查,该调查发现,超过五分之一的美国人不健康.S. adults said they often or always felt lonely or socially isolated. 而失去配偶或退休等生活变化会导致老年人的社会联系和互动减少, 报告中引用的另一项调查显示,18至22岁的年轻人现在被认为是最孤独的一代, 与前几代人相比,花更多沙巴足球体育平台在社交媒体上,更少参与面对面的活动.

Data suggests the COVID-19 pandemic has made things worse, especially for young adults.

社会孤立和孤独是心血管和大脑健康的决定因素, the report found.

“有强有力的证据表明,社会孤立和孤独感与心脏和大脑健康状况恶化的风险增加有关," Cené said. "However, the data on the association with certain outcomes, such as heart failure, dementia and cognitive impairment, is sparse."

该报告发现,社会孤立和孤独与心脏病和中风的关系最为密切, 心脏病发作和/或死于心脏病的风险增加29%,中风的风险增加32%.

“社会孤立和孤独也与已经患有冠心病或中风的人的预后较差有关," Cené said. 声明说,这包括中风复发和死亡的风险增加.

该报告还发现,社会孤立与心理健康风险因素之间存在双向关系. Those who were socially isolated were more likely to experience depression, and those with depression were more likely to be socially isolated. However, evidence of a link between social isolation, loneliness and cognitive impairment or dementia was sparse or mixed.

社交孤立或孤独的人可能会做出进一步损害心脏和大脑健康的行为, such as eating fewer fruits and vegetables, not getting enough physical activity and being too sedentary, according to the statement. 几项大型研究发现,孤独感和吸烟的可能性较高之间存在关联.

Socio-environmental factors also likely play a role, the statement found. Factors such as transportation, living arrangements and dissatisfaction with family relationships, along with the pandemic and natural disasters, can contribute to how socially isolated or connected people are.

研究表明,老年人中心有健身项目和娱乐活动, along with programs that combat negative thinking, can help reduce social isolation and loneliness, the statement notes. 该研究小组呼吁对此类干预措施的帮助进行更多的研究.

“临床医生应该询问患者社交活动的频率,以及他们是否对自己与朋友和家人的互动水平感到满意," Cené said. “然后,他们应该准备好将社交孤立或孤独的人——尤其是那些有心脏病或中风病史的人——推荐给社区资源,帮助他们与他人建立联系。."

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