多亏了心肺复苏术和除颤器, air travelers have higher-than-average survival rates from cardiac arrest


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It is estimated that thousands of air travelers around the world have a cardiac arrest each year, 其中近四分之一发生在飞机上, according to new research that points to the success of CPR and AEDs in keeping survival rates higher than the national average.

这项新研究发表在周二的《沙巴体育平台点击进入》杂志上 美国心脏协会杂志, comes at the end of a summer when travelers began returning en masse to airports and planes after pandemic lockdowns.

因为心脏骤停在商业航班上相对罕见, 很少有研究关注它们的频率, 使用挽救生命的干预措施, 结果呢?. Researchers for the new study set out to gauge the impact of a 2004 Federal Aviation Administration requirement that all U.S. commercial airlines be equipped with automated external defibrillators, or AEDs.

They looked at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport records of every adult treated by emergency medical service workers for cardiac arrest, which is when the heart suddenly stops beating because of an electrical malfunction. A heart attack can trigger cardiac arrest, but so can other heart and non-heart issues.

在16年期间, 2004年至2019年, 他们追踪了急救人员到达之前发生的143例心脏骤停, with 34 (24%) happening on a plane and 109 (76%) happening off the plane. People who had a cardiac arrest at the airport survived to hospital discharge 44% of the time, 相比之下,在飞机上发生心脏骤停的人只有15%.

That's still higher than the national average survival rate of less than 11% for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, 这说明了心肺复苏术和除颤器的重要性, 该研究的主要作者Dr. Neal Chatterjee. He noted, for example, that all survivors of on-plane cardiac arrests were treated with an AED.

“我们的研究发现,尽管心脏骤停很少见, 如果我们能进行早期干预,它肯定是可以存活的. 应培训空乘人员和机场工作人员进行干预, but there are also things we can do as bystanders on the plane or off-plane to improve outcomes."

Bystanders who see someone collapse or become unresponsive should immediately alert a flight attendant or an airport employee, Chatterjee said. If you're in an airport and are comfortable performing CPR until help arrives, it's OK to do so. But if you're on a plane, you should quickly alert the flight crew and follow their cues.

“保持平静是非常重要的, 有组织的环境,有人负责. 相信机组人员会做出这些决定, and wait to volunteer if they ask for assistance in resuscitation efforts,查特吉说, a cardiologist and cardiac electrophysiologist at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle.

全世界每年大约有50亿人乘坐商业飞机. 当研究人员将他们的研究结果应用于这些数字时, 他们估计是2,全球每年发生的与旅行相关的心脏骤停病例达5000例, 在美国有350家.S.

"I think the study offers a powerful message for the importance of bystander CPR training, and also for having the airline industry work with federal agencies to optimize training around cardiac arrest care and specifically application of AEDs,查特吉说, who also is an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Washington.

Dr. 本杰明Abella, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Resuscitation Science in Philadelphia and a professor of emergency medicine, 说这项研究受到样本量小的限制.

Still, Abella, 谁没有参与这项研究, applauded the authors for showing that higher-than-average survival rates can be achieved when cardiac arrest is witnessed on a plane or in an airport and CPR and AEDs are used promptly.

“这项研究让航空乘客放心," he said, "and a challenge to all of us to dramatically improve survival rates in other settings."

他说,他也希望看到对客运火车旅行的研究, 这是一个完全未经研究的地区,人口要多得多."

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