


The benefits of the 胆固醇-lowering medicine called statins far outweigh any risk of side effects, 根据一项对数十年科学研究的新分析.

事实上, 他汀类药物的副作用很少见, according to a new 美国心脏协会 scientific statement published Monday in 动脉硬化、血栓和血管生物学.

林恩·布劳恩, a heart disease and stroke prevention expert who co-authored the statement, said she hopes the results put to rest any misconceptions patients or health care providers have about what she calls a lifesaving medication.

“这是一类明确的药物, 非常明确的, 好处是什么?,布劳恩说, a nurse practitioner and a professor of nursing and medicine at Rush University in Chicago.

他汀类药物主要用于降低低密度脂蛋白, 或低密度脂蛋白, 胆固醇, 一个蜡状, 脂肪样物质:在动脉中堆积的脂肪样物质. Research shows statins may lower heart attack risk by at least 25 percent and may also help patients with heart disease avoid cardiac procedures such as coronary stents.

The statement comes 16 years after a clinical advisory issued by the AHA, 美国心脏病学会, 和国家之心, 血, 和肺脏研究所也报告了类似的发现. The authors of the new report reviewed dozens of studies dating back at least 20 years. Most were clinical trials, which are considered the most scientifically sound type of study.

这份科学声明针对的是肌肉疼痛, 肌肉无力和2型糖尿病, 他汀类药物最常见的副作用, 等.

Muscle pain and weakness were rare complaints in statin clinical trials. When muscle symptoms do occur, they often are linked to the drug's dosage, 作者说.

他汀类药物可能会略微增加患2型糖尿病的风险, 心脏病一种可导致心脏病或中风的状况. 但大多数服用这种药物的人已经有患糖尿病的高风险. 整体, people with diabetes who are on statins see an insignificant increase in blood sugar levels, 作者说.

The authors suggested health care providers keep a close eye on certain patients who need or take statins, especially older adults who take multiple medications for chronic illnesses.

例如, some studies suggest people who've had a brain hemorrhage and are on a statin are at risk of having a second brain attack or hemorrhage. 艾滋病毒感染者可能会出现肌肉无力和肌肉疼痛, 部分原因是他汀类药物与艾滋病药物的化学相互作用. Studies show people of East Asian heritage may be more susceptible to statin-related side effects, 尤其是肌肉疼痛和肌肉无力.

Dr. 罗杰年代. 布卢门撒尔, a cardiologist at Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Baltimore, said the AHA's report is a comprehensive review of the pros and cons of taking statins.

"The main takeaway is that statin therapy is much safer – even more effective – than most of the general public has been led to believe,布卢门撒尔说, 谁没有参与撰写报告.

Braun encourages patients who are concerned about taking statins to talk to their health care providers about finding the best medication for them. Patients shouldn't stop taking statins without consulting their doctor because that could be dangerous, 她说.

Braun also encourages health care providers to welcome questions from their patients and take the time to explain the benefits and risks of taking statins.

"Patients will be more apt to follow the advice that could be lifesaving for them," 她说. 知识就是力量."

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