When it comes to protein, quality is more important than quantity



High-protein diets are 到处都是, but not all protein is created equal. For heart health, experts say the key is moderation and choosing wisely.

“Very high intake of meat, especially processed red meat, is not good for overall health,” said Dr. 最近一项关于蛋白质消耗的研究的作者Jyrki Virtanen说. “Those who are used to eating very high amounts of meat could consider moderating their intake.”

美国.S. 农业部推荐的蛋白质摄入量是0.每公斤体重摄取8克蛋白质,或约0.每磅体重36克蛋白质. 对于一个155磅重的成年人来说,这大约是56克. 对于一个190磅重的成年人来说,大约是68克. 美国农业部 一个计算器(链接在新窗口中打开) 以帮助确定推荐的每日摄入量.

Virtanen’s study found middle-aged and older men who ate higher amounts of protein were slightly more likely to develop heart failure than men who ate lower amounts. 他和他的同事们研究了2000年的数据,441 Finnish men over two decades and found 334 cases of heart failure. The results showed men who consumed the highest amount of protein had a 33 percent higher increased risk of heart failure than men who consumed the lowest amounts.

“在这个问题上肯定需要更多的研究,维尔塔宁说, an adjunct professor of nutritional epidemiology at the University of Eastern Finland. “But our findings indicate that high protein intake may have some adverse effects on health, 特别是如果蛋白质来自动物来源.”

Just what kind of protein is best for cardiovascular health is a question that’s evolved in recent years.

A study in November said eating a mostly plant-based diet was associated with a 42 percent reduced risk of developing heart failure for people with no history of heart disease.

The 美国心脏协会’s lifestyle recommendations for reducing cardiovascular risk emphasize a healthy eating pattern that includes:

  • 吃各种水果和蔬菜, 全谷物, 非和低脂乳制品, 去皮的家禽, 鱼, 坚果, 豆类和非热带植物油.
  • 少吃红肉和加工肉、甜食和含糖饮料.

仍然, many people cling to the notion of eating lots of meat and protein, 部分原因是低碳水化合物的持续流行, 高蛋白饮食,比如旧石器饮食, 生酮, 阿特金斯和地带, 乔·安·卡森说, a dietitian and professor at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

“但如果你用高蛋白饮食来减肥, typically the only way to keep that weight off is to continue to follow that dietary pattern, 那里可能会有潜在的健康问题,卡森说, 美国心脏协会营养委员会主席.

“Probably the biggest problem with large amounts of protein is when it doesn’t leave room in your diet for antioxidant-rich and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables and 全谷物,卡森说.

5月, the AHA issued a new advisory recommending people up their intake of omega-3 fatty acids by eating one or two servings of non-fried 鱼 or shell鱼 a week. Carson said 鱼 was among “the good-quality proteins people should be looking for, 包括低脂乳制品和植物性蛋白质, 比如大豆和藜麦.”

As people get older, their protein requirements typically increase, Carson said. But no matter their age, people confused about their protein intake should seek out an expert.

“我认为与注册营养师合作是个好主意, 尤其是如果你有心脏病家族史的话,”她说。. “They can tell you ‘This is a healthy diet’ or ‘You’re getting enough protein, 但你的其他饮食需要努力.’ Much more important than the amount of protein you eat is the quality of your protein.”

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